Media and Speaker’s Bureau

Media Contact

If you are a member of the media and would like our commentary on climate change, proposed development and other issues affecting the air, water and land conservation of the Hilton Head and Lowcountry regions, please reach out to us at

Speaker’s Bureau

Hilton Head Audubon offers speakers-bureau-style programs about birds, conservation and birding ecotourism for all interest levels, from easy to more complex. These are ideal for your group’s monthly meeting or annual dinner; for hotel guests, visitors and other organized groups.  

Our programs feature stunning photos of birds and island landscapes, as well as information about feeding birds, attracting and protecting them; why conservation is so important and how it is tied to climate change; the demographics of bird waters and why it is the fastest growing leisure activity in the country, with over 40 million birdwatchers throughout the United States; and other topics.

Programs are given free of charge. They can be scheduled at the time and location of your choice, depending on the availability of the speaker.