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Hilton Head Audubon

Field Trip: Sterling Park with Diana Churchill

  • 11/23/2024
  • 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Sterling Creek Park 1700 Elbow Swamp Road Richmond Hill, GA 31324
  • 4


Registration is closed

Sterling Park: Come explore this undeveloped park with Ogeechee Audubon field trip chair Diana Churchill, in Richmond Hill, GA. 8:30 – noonish.  These impoundments were once part of a sewage treatment operation, but are now left to birds and wildlife. In winter, we should find several species of sparrows and possibly all 4 resident wrens. Sometimes we see snipes, too! We plan to walk the 3-mile mowed trail around and through the impoundments. There is a restroom in the parking lot. Most of the walk is open to the weather, so dress accordingly. Restroom in the parking lot. Watch for last minute messages the evening before.

Tickets for Members and Nonmembers are $12.00. Limited to 15 people.

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