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Hilton Head Audubon

Great Egret (photo by Scott Clark)

Workday at Audubon Newhall Preserve 

We had eleven volunteers for our March Work Day and a great deal was accomplished!  Shown above are Gary Laughlin, Wes Braun, Karen Lucey, Tim O’Connell, Jim Reynolds, Lynn Hodgson, Linda Yeomans, Rosemary Staples, Jeff Davis, and Jack Coleman.   Not shown is camera-shy photographer and Fearless Leader Bob Clemens.  More candid photos are below.

   Jim and Jeff realigned logs on the roadway to the parking lot while Lynn and her crew trimmed vegetation around the parking lot and pollinator gardens. Karen and Wes blew debris off the Audubon trail, Pocosin boardwalk, and deck, while the rest of us raked, groomed, and tamped the path around the Pond.   We are proud to say we have greatly improved the ADA accessibility (aka “Birdability!) around the Pond.

We anticipate help from Rotary volunteers on Saturday March 22nd and our next second Saturday Work Day will be April 12th.  RSVPs not required, but helpful, to

Robert “Bob” Clemens

Co-Chair Audubon Newhall Preserve

4 photo(s) Updated on: 03/08/2025

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