Workday at Audubon Newhall Preserve
Saturday January 11th Workday at Audubon Newhall Preserve
Despite the absence of Newhall’s Fearless Leader (sans donuts) an industrious nine volunteers joined for the January second Saturday Work Day! They are Linda Yeomans, Lynn Hodgson, Sal Gioia, Kathy Kettel, Karen Lucey, Sally Lippmann, Denise Prichard, David and Julia Buzzard.David and Julia led the workforce, with David and Sal leveling the milled asphalt in our new handicap parking area and relocating the handicap parking sign.
Other workers spread pine bark nuggets on pollinator garden path, blew off Newhall Trail, cleaned and refilled the bird feeders, cleared debris in the Pine Flatwoods, and ate donut balls and mini-muffins, donated by Karen.
Our next Work Day will be on Saturday January 11th from 8:30 to 10AM. We meet in the parking lot and spend no more than 75 minutes mowing, trimming trails, and culling invasive vegetation. RSVPs helpful, but not required to:
Robert “Bob” Clemens
Co-Chair Audubon Newhall Preserve
Thanks to Rita and Joe Kernan for their annual contribution of twin
magnolia wreaths for the pillars on the Audubon Newhall Preserve gates.