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Hilton Head Audubon

Great Egret (photo by Scott Clark)


    • 09/30/2024
    • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
    • 700 Tidepointe Way, Hilton Head Island 29928
    • 23


    Connecting with birds and nature actively reduces stress, depression and anxiety, while helping build a stronger heart and immune system. During this program, Holly Merker will delve into our connections to wild birds, describe how to maximize the wellness benefits of birding and why we need birds for overall well-being.  

    Holly Merker is co-author of a new book, "Ornitherapy for Your Mind, Body & Soul". An ornitherapy and nature-based wellness provider, professional birding guide, author and lecturer, Ms. Merkel is a global advocate for the practice of mindful birding. Her book will be on hand for sale and signing. 

    • 10/05/2024
    • 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
    • Jarvis Creek Park on Hilton Head Island
    • 6


    “Ornitherapy” field experience with Master Birder Kathy Byrd. 

    This restorative walk (less than a mile total, with benches along the way) is being offered for the first time by HHA, as a follow-up to its Sept 30 presentation and book signing by Holly Merker, author of Ornitherapy: The Power of Birdwatching.

      Reference: Ornitherapy: For your Mind, Body, and Soul. By Holly Merker, Richard Crossley, Sophie Crossley. 2021. Publ by Crossley Books.

    The authors point out what most birders and nature lovers know instinctively: “Relief from the pressures we face is critical to healthy living. There’s a secret: relief is right outside our own doors.  Our minds and bodies need nature. We crave it, whether we realize it or not. It’s why we find ourselves daydreaming of escaping to hear waves crashing against the sand, wandering through lush forests, or finding mountains to climb.”

    During this field experience, Kathy Byrd will lead us through a woodland amble, helping us become more mindful of what we see, hear, smell and, most importantly, feel inside. She will highlight a few of the “Ornitherapy Explorations” suggested in the reference book. Come explore, breathe deeply, and unplug.

        Kathy Byrd

    • 10/08/2024
    • 9:30 AM
    • 10/22/2024
    • 12:30 PM
    • HH Public Service District, Community Room 21 Oak Park Drive
    • 17


    Five 3 hour sessions: October 8, 10, 15, 17 & 22. All 9:30am - 12:30pm. 

    In this course, designed for beginning birders, Birding 101 will introduce participants to a variety of topics to increase their general knowledge of birdwatching and local birds. A series of classroom sessions will feature interactive lectures, slides and handout materials to introduce parts of a bird, taxonomy, vocalizations, migration, field guides and bird apps and more. A local bird walk will reinforce classroom materials and bird identification techniques.

    Instructor Kay Grinnell with other guest instructors.


    Photo of Red Headed Woodpeckers by Michael Fogelman

    • 10/10/2024
    • 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
    • Hilton Head Brewing Company, 1 Cardinal Road, HHI


    Join us in celebrating South Carolina birds and nature with HHA partner Conservation Voters of South Carolina (CVSC). Amidst beer sampling you will have the chance to hear from and chat with John Tynan, Executive Director of CVSC. John will be happy to talk about CVSC and how to learn more about our SC legislators before you vote in November. Buy your own drinks and snacks. 

    • 10/19/2024
    • 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
    • Fish Haul Beach Park, 120 Mitchelville Rd. Hilton Head Island
    • 10

    Opens for Member registration on 9/15 and Non members on 9/22.

    Join Master Birder and HHA VP Lynn Hodgson to work on Shorebird ID. This field trip is best for beginning and intermediate birders wishing to hone basic shorebird identification skills. We will look at bills and feet, observe postures, watch behaviors, discuss plumage changes and migration, etc. We will have at least one spotting scope available, to help everyone see the key features.

    Note the unusual time:  Tide tables indicate a high tide around 10 a.m. We will set up on the beach, to start searching near the high tide line. Then we will follow the tide out, possibly getting our feet wet and sandy, as do the birds. Afterward (or before as Lynn is always early!), those interested can walk over to the boardwalk toward Barker Field, and the extension over the marsh. There are restrooms in the parking lot.  We will walk in sand as well as hard surfaces, for about l l/2 miles total. Prepare for the weather – it feels cooler on the beach than you might expect if it is windy. If the weather is fine, you might elect to bring lunch and picnic on the beach. 

    • 10/26/2024
    • 10:00 AM
    • Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park on Hilton Head Island
    • 9

    Opens for Member Registration on 9/15 and Non members on 9/22.

    Historic Mitchelville, America’s first self governed town of formerly enslaved people, with long-time resident, Master Naturalist, writer and storyteller Rosemary Staples. Learn how formerly enslaved residents incorporated their African traditions into their newfound freedom. Hear about their unique Gullah culture and connection with nature along with their symbolic relationship with birds. Explore the maritime forest, marsh, and beach. You’ll see songbirds, shorebirds and perhaps an eagle soaring overhead. 

    Most of the walk will be protected by the forest, so this trip will run rain or shine as long as we don’t have a nasty storm. But the beach will be open, likely windy, and probably chilly in late October. Dress accordingly: Bug spray, boots  or close-toed shoes. Restrooms at the parking lot. There are a few picnic tables, so if the weather is fine consider bringing a picnic lunch.

    • 11/02/2024
    • 10:00 AM
    • Hilton Head Library

    Free Event - Please Register

    Hilton Head Audubon Board Member Patty Kappmeyer will provide a stunning pictorial overview and captivating stories about our Lowcountry birds.

    As a passionate birding enthusiast and photographer, Patty brings years of dedicated experience observing and documenting the natural world. She recently published "Flight through the Seasons: Discover Birding and Photography in the Lowcountry of Hilton Head Island," a book that delves into the rich avian diversity and stunning landscapes of this beautiful region. The book is available as an ebook or in paperback through her website

    Photo on Pinckney Island by Patricia Kappmeyer

    • 11/05/2024
    • 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
    • Hilton Head Public Service District Community Room, 21 Oak Park Drive
    • 15

    (Member registration opens 10/6; Nonmembers on 10/13.)

    Instructor James Asmuth will introduce you to Birding By Ear.

    This two hour class will be held in the Hilton Head Public Service Community room at 21 Oak Park Drive on Hilton Head. Topics will include:  Why birds vocalize; How birds vocalize; Bird calls vs bird songs; How to interpret sonagrams; Technique for memorizing bird songs; Mobile apps for learning bird songs. 

    This two hour class will be followed by a field trip to practice. the field trip will be held on Saturday November 9 at 8:30am at Jarvis Creek Park. 

    • 11/09/2024
    • 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Honey Hill Battlefield Park, Ridgeland, SC
    • 15

    (Member registration opens 10/6; Nonmembers on 10/13)

    Rich Thomas and Lynn Hodgson will lead this exploratory field trip to a destination HHAudubon has not visited before. Rich is a historian and can tell us about the property, while Lynn helps us ID birds and wildlife. The website says " The Battle of Honey Hill was one of the three largest Civil War battles fought in South Carolina, and was one of the most notable Civil War engagements involving African American troops.”  In addition to learning its history, we will be interested to see what wildlife is present on this 235 acre forested area that has been undisturbed for 160 years. It is known to be the home of eight colonies of red cockaded woodpeckers, for instance. After a brief history lesson, we will spend 2-3 hours walking the trails, and working on a checklist of bird species.

    There is a Portapotty on site. There is no address so we will meet at Coolers Store, an Exxon station on Route 462 ( 4 Coosaw Scenic Dr. Ridgeland, SC 29936 at 8:30am and caravan from there. Dress for the weather, with close-toed shoes that might get wet, bug spray.  Rain date will be the following week Nov 16. Watch for last minute messages the evening before.

    • 11/23/2024
    • 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
    • Sterling Creek Park 1700 Elbow Swamp Road Richmond Hill, GA 31324
    • 15

    (Member registration opens 10/6; Nonmembers on 10/13)

    Sterling Park: Come explore this undeveloped park with Ogeechee Audubon field trip chair Diana Churchill, in Richmond Hill, GA. 8:30 – noonish.  These impoundments were once part of a sewage treatment operation, but are now left to birds and wildlife. In winter, we should find several species of sparrows and possibly all 4 resident wrens. Sometimes we see snipes, too! We plan to walk the 3-mile mowed trail around and through the impoundments. There is a restroom in the parking lot. Most of the walk is open to the weather, so dress accordingly. Watch for last minute messages the evening before.

    • 12/05/2024
    • 7:00 PM - 8:45 PM
    • First Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, 540 William Hilton Parkway


    Presenter: Andy Jones, Executive Director, Spring Island Trust and Lowcountry Institute, will discuss the principles of bird identification and review our local birds to help with accurate CBC bird identifications and bird counts. 

    Dr. Andy Jones is a lifelong naturalist, with a passion for the biodiversity of the southeastern United States. From 2006 until early 2022 he worked as curator of ornithology at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. He has been recognized as a Fellow of the American Ornithological Society for his contributions to ornithology. 

    • 12/16/2024

    This event is free. Please email  us at

    Field teams and home birders identify and count every bird we see or hear on count day. We welcome birders of all levels and photographers too!

    • 01/07/2025
    • 9:30 AM
    • 01/11/2025
    • 11:30 AM
    • TBD
    • 12

    (Member registration opens 12/1; Nonmembers on 12/8)

    This is a four hour course in two sessions. The first one is Tuesday Jan 7th, the second one Thursday Jan 9th, both 9:30am-11:30am. A field practice will take place on Saturday Jan 11th and is included in the course fee.

    These two class sessions will be an introduction to the Merlin Bird ID App, how to use the eBird App, and using the eBird web site. The field practice will be at Jarvis Creek Park. Instructor Ken Adams. Class size limited to 12.

       Ken Adams

    • 01/14/2025
    • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
    • Shipyard

    (Member registration opens 12/1; Nonmembers on 12/8)

    Experienced wildlife photographer, Mary Alice Tartler, will open your world to the magnificent avian breeding season on Hilton Head Island. Through her beautiful photography documenting breeding seasons over the last 20 years, you will learn about the beauty, rituals and drama in the everyday world of an avian rookery. 

    This memorable, informative presentation will help prepare you to observe breeding season in the Lowcountry in a refreshing, unique way. 

    • 02/08/2025
    • 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
    • 15

    (Member registration opens 1/5; Nonmembers on 1/12)

    Bear Island is always one of the highlights of our Field Trip year. We will gather at the entrance, on Titi Road, which faces Mary’s House Pond, where we will set up spotting scopes. Depending on water levels, this pond may have lots of waders and/or ducks, and possibly White Pelicans or Tundra Swans. Then we will drive into the WMA, stopping frequently to look and listen. Bear Island consists of 12,021 acres of brackish water marshes, maritime forests, bottomland hardwoods, upland fields, and water-controlled impoundments, lagoons, etc.  

    From the Bear Island WMA website: “Bear Island Wildlife Management Area, owned by the SC Department of Natural Resources, is managed to provide quality habitat for wintering waterfowl and other wetland wildlife including threatened and endangered species such as wood storks and bald eagles; to provide habitat for upland game and nongame species; and to provide recreational opportunities for the hunting and nonhunting public. Public hunting on the WMA includes waterfowl (by special drawing only), white-tailed deer, mourning dove and small game. The diverse area provides excellent bird watching, attracting waterfowl, bald eagles, wading birds, shorebirds and song birds.”

    The drive from HH is about an hour and a half. There are no facilities once you turn onto Bennett’s Road. The last chance for gas, snacks, bathrooms is a small gas station/store on Rte 17, shortly after the Donnelley entrance. 
    Cost of field trip is $12. 

    • 02/08/2025
    • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
    • Hilton Head Library, 11 Beach City Road Hilton Head


    Many shorebirds undertake fantastic migrations each year from nesting grounds in the Arctic to wintering sites as far south as the southern tip of South America. This presentation will highlight shorebird natural history from nesting sites in the Arctic tundra to the South Carolina coast. Location information from tracking projects show that many shorebird species fly directly to Arctic habitat after leaving South Carolina beaches in the spring. Join us to learn about SCDNR’s Red Knot satellite tracking project and a recently discovered animal migration spectacle. 1/2 of the estimated eastern population of Whimbrel, a type of curlew, are roosting at night on a small island in coastal South Carolina during the spring. Felicia Sanders will explain the significance of this discovery – the largest known concentration of the species in the world – and current research efforts to tag and track Whimbrel.

    Felicia Sanders serves as the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources’ Coastal Bird Conservation Project supervisor and was recently named Biologist of the Year by the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. 

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