Newhall Notes for February 2023

Last week we installed a new “Welcome” sign on the Trail Guide Box to replace the laminated sheet we had there before (see photo, below). The best new features are three QR codes linking the Trail Guide, Donations (via Venmo), and Audubon Membership.  Studio One did an excellent job delivering a product which is likely to outlive the “Elders” on our Newhall Committee!

Speaking of “Elders,” we are proud to announce the expansion of our Newhall Committee to add four more youthful members.  We welcome Julia and David Buzzard, Carrie Jones, and Steve Fishman.  They join our long-standing Vice-Chairs: Rita Kernan, Lynn Hodgson, Tom Hennessey, Matt Mattoon, Jack Coleman, and Chair Bob Clemens.

We were thrilled to find that the folks at Allcare Tree Surgery, Inc. had donated more large logs to line the parking lot (see photos). We were so pleased with the logs they had placed on the entrance road from Palmetto Bay Road last Fall that we went back and begged for more.  Please consider Allcare for your next tree project! Contact them at or by phone (843) 757-8095.

If you know a college age person who has an interest in nature or environmental science, please invite them to apply for our Spring Greeter Internship position.  Flexible hours and decent pay are compensation for greeting our visitors and providing them with essential information about the Preserve.  Applicants should contact Bob Clemens at

Finally, here’s our report of the February 18th Newhall Work Day! Once again, we had 13 hardy volunteers.  The “pre-op” photo shows only 9, as Fearless Leader Clemens was taking the photo and the Rios Siblings: Charlotte (a first timer), Elizabeth, and Thaddaeus hadn’t yet arrived.  Shown from left to right are Vice-Chair Matt Mattoon, Karen Lucey, John Grobe, Tony Facernta (also a first timer), Sal Gioia, Jim Reynolds, Hilton Klein, and new Committee members Julia and David Buzzard.

John and Tony continued the seemingly never-ending task of pressure-washing the Pocosin boardwalk, while Matt and Jim (assisted by Bob’s Jeep) moved the donation post to a more prominent location between the Trail Guide Post and the Bulletin Board (see photos.) We’re hoping the new location will lead to enhanced revenue.

The balance of the crew tackled the remaining mountain of milled asphalt donated by Sea Pines CSA, spreading it to level the new parking space between the towering pine trees (photos below). Sounds simpler than it was. It can be back-breaking work, and the surface has to be “tamped” to compact the millings. Thanks to all who did that! Our next Newhall Work Day will be Saturday March 11th from 8:30 AM to 10 AM. We’ll cull vegetation from around Audubon Pond, finish pressure-washing the boardwalk, and try to clean the pine pollen from the benches! Bring gloves and eye protection. Insect repellant hasn’t been necessary in the winter months, but who knows what March will bring!  RSVPs are not necessary, but helpful, to Bob Clemens at