November 2022 Work Day Report

Our November Work Day was successful, as always.  The ladies, led by Vice-Chair Lynn Hodgson, culled unwanted vegetation from the long leaf pines planted after Hurricane Matthew.  The gentlemen spread milled asphalt on the access road and parking lot, and stabilized the new logs lining the access road.  Shown below from left to right are David and Julia Buzzard, Lynn Hodgson, Karen Lucey, Sal Gioia, and Bob Clemens.  Hilton Klein joined in the fun, but had to leave before the photo was taken.  The second photo is an onlooker we have dubbed “King of the Forest!” Join us for the next Work Day on Saturday, December 10th, 8:30-10 AM.  RSVPs are helpful, but not necessary to Bob Clemens at or (317) 989-5777.