Newhall Notes for May 2023

There were only seven workers for our May Work Day, but a great deal was accomplished nevertheless!  We had superb weather and great fun.

John Grobe, Sal Gioia, and Karen Lucey hauling vegetation.

Earlier in the week Jack Coleman and Fearless Leader Bob Clemens pressure-washed the Pocosin boardwalk as prep for a second coat of paint. David and Julia Buzzard then came and painted trim, and encored on the Work Day to single-handedly finish the second coat of paint.  While the painting was going on Sal Gioia trimmed the palmettos and briars encroaching on the entrance to the boardwalk. 

David and Julia are exultant after finishing painting the Pocosin boardwalk.
The Pocosin Boardwalk was prepped and painted with materials donated by Lowe’s of Bluffton.
Thanks to Lowe’s of Bluffton!
Our new Intern/Greeter shelter, with thanks to Amber Kuehn, the Beach Patrol, and the visitors who left it behind.

Back at the parking lot, Jim Reynolds, John Grobe, and Karen Lucey erected a shelter for the Newhall Intern who will serve as a part-time “Greeter” starting later this month. That done, they commenced widening the Branch Wood Trail as recommended in our Fire Mitigation Plan.   

Sal and Bob hauled a truckload of debris to the collection point near the parking lot, where Sea Pines CSA will haul it away for us.  Sal and Bob also used some smaller logs to re-line the paths in the parking lot pollinator garden. 

Jim Reynolds supervising Sal Gioia hauling vegetation.

Our next Work Day is scheduled for Saturday June 10th from 8:30 to 10 AM.  RSVPs aren’t necessary but helpful to