October 2022 Work Day Report

 We are attaching photos of the new logs lining the roadway to the Newhall parking lot!  Allcare Tree Surgery donated and placed these logs at no cost, and they are a striking addition to the entry to the Preserve!  A second photo shows the result of Sea Pines CSA mowing the fire break around the perimeter of the Preserve. Where would we be without such great neighbors!? Finally, the donation post yielded over $500 for October!  Definitely an improvement over the hot sticky summer months.

 Our next Work Day is Saturday November 12th from 8:30 to 10 AM!  “Many hands make light work!” RSVPs are not necessary, but helpful to Bob Clemens at Rclemens318@gmail.com.

Seven of our Newhall Volunteers enjoyed great weather for our October Work Day!  Shown from left to right, before they got grubby and sweaty, are Ava Elizabeth, Nathanael, and Thaddaeus Rios; Julia and David Buzzard; and John Grobe. The invisible photographer was your Fearless Leader, Bob Clemens.

The Rios brothers moved the Memorial Garden sign to a less conspicuous location because we have had too many people walking down that dead end path and then wandering the irrigation trails.  Julia, David and Ava Elizabeth tackled grooming the cathedral-like Pine Flatwoods, leaving only pine straw on the forest floor.  John and Bob resumed the time-consuming task of pressure-washing the Pocosin boardwalk.  (We think we’ll be done by the end of 2023!).  The balance of our time was spent trimming trails and greeting visitors.

Our next work will be on Saturday, November 12, 2022, from 8:30 to 10 AM.  RSVPs are not necessary, but helpful to Bob Clemens at RClemens318@gmail.com or text (317) 989-5777.

Future projects include erecting a new welcome kiosk for the bulletin boards, rebuilding the trail guide box, improving wheelchair access to the pond, and re-lining the road to the parking lot with larger logs. We also hope to have a Spring Semester Intern from USCB to greet visitors during peak tourist season.